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If reimbursement is not made timely at least 50% of applications for recovery, a mechanism will operate overall compensation for that 50%. The remaining amount 50% must have been paid in full before the date stated in the operative part of this decision.

If subsequently verify the Fosyga was not obliged to make some reimbursement, you must take steps to compensate those resources by EPS. On the implementation of the Contingency Plan, the Ministry of Social Protection and Fosyga administrator will present a report orthodontist san diego every two months to the Verification Committee mentioned above.

Third, orders to correct the flaws in the system of financing medical services required in need and are not covered by the POS. This measure seeks to stabilize the flow of resources to the coverage of health services in order to ensure the fulfillment of the right to health of the users and the timely allocation of resources for efficiently addressing the needs and priorities of orthodontist san diego health.

He ordered the Ministry of Social Protection to take the necessary for the system to check, control and payment applications run efficiently orthodontist san diego recovery measures and the Fosyga promptly disburse monies relating to applications for recovery.

The Ministry of Social Protection can define the type of action orthodontist san diego needed. These may include, for example, changes in management type, such as hiring staff to help evacuate the applications according to the current system, or redesigning the system recovery.

With respect to health information, especially about what the rights of patients and what the results obtained by the various entities in the sector.

Board shall order the Ministry of Social Protection if you have not already done within the next six months, take the necessary measures to ensure that when orthodontist san diego you join an EPS, contributory or subsidized, will deliver to any person, in simple and understandable terms, the following information: i a letter with patient rights.

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This shall include, at least, under the Lisbon Declaration of the World Medical Association adopted by the 34th Assembly in 1981 and those listed in relevant part of this decision.

This Charter shall be accompanied by indications about which institutions provide support for enforcing rights and the resources by which they can apply and qualify for the aid are. ii A letter of performance.

This document should contain basic information about the performance and quality of different EPS to which you can enroll into this scheme, as well as about IPS indicating which work with what. The document shall provide for the necessary information to properly exercise their freedom of choice and access to timely and effective health services.

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This document must be prepared by the Ministry of Social Protection, weighing between, on the one hand, the availability of such document to have technical knowledge about the health system, and other, presenting information that reflects sufficiently the reality of the performance of EPS and IPS.

 It was further ordered the Ministry of Social Protection and the Committee on Health Regulation to take appropriate and necessary to protect those who are disrespects the right to access to adequate and sufficient information to enable them to exercise their freedom of action choice of entity to ensure their access to health services.

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With regard to the timely implementation of the decisions on protection and the right to recovery not covered by the benefit orthodontist san diego plan before the Fosyga medical services arise, in turn, three sets of orders. First, orders to not make review by the Court of the date of execution of judgment that upheld the right to health.

In this case it will instruct the Ministry of Social Protection and the Trustee Fosyga take steps to ensure that the process of recovery by the

Health Promotion Entities to the Fosyga be agile in order to ensure the flow of resources necessary to effectively protect the right in the system. Among these measures at least shall be taken into account when it comes to health services whose practice was authorized pursuant to a writ of protection.

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The promoter of health shall comply with the order to protect the right immediately health and can start the recovery process after the fault is in firm, either because

The court judgment was not challenged, either because it is the judgment on appeal, without the authorization of the health service and the process of recovery can be hindered based on the pretext of the review process that is filled with the.

Constitutional Court; ii can not be set in the operative part of the judgment of guardianship must authorize the recovery before the Fosyga as a condition for medical services not covered by the POS or to recognize the right of recovery of the costs that the entity does not was legally obliged to take or regulations.

The EPS must promptly comply with the order to authorize the health service not covered by the POS and sufficient that indeed Fosyga administrator finds that the entity is not legally or statutorily obliged to assume in accordance with the scope of the relevant plan.

The benefits funded by the UPC; iii the reimbursement will take into account the difference between drug generic name and drug brand name, but may deny reimbursement based on the gloss active in POS.

Principle when the brand drug is formulated under the aparatado conditions outlined in 6.2.1 of this decision. Secondly, orders requiring that a contingency!Check-out-tips-on-how-to-protect-your-mouth/c1z34/E9F56796-BD25-480C-B24B-C69C59A381CC plan that allows payment of arrears recoveries to ensure the flow of resources in the EPS as a measure to ensure the provision of health services to the users in a timely manner and take the effective enjoyment of the right to health.

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In this sense it is ordered to the Ministry of Social Protection and Fidufosyga 2005 if they have not already done so, design a Contingency Plan i advance Processing of applications for recovery in arrears and ii make payments recovery applications where compliance with existing resolutions in arrears verified. This plan shall indicate: i specific goals for the implementation of this order, ii a schedule for compliance with the orders and iii actions to be undertaken to fulfill orthodontist san diego the goals, identifying each if the party responsible for compliance.

The Plan must be submitted by the date specified in the operative part of this decision before the Credentials Committee established by the Council of State and the Constitutional Court and shall orthodontist san diego orthodontist san diego be fully implemented before the date stated in the operative part of this providence.

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This omission controller represents a major barrier to access to health services that people require, which is a clear lack of protection of the fundamental right to health see section I.. Accordingly, it is ordered to the Commission on Health Regulation to take the necessary measures to regulate the internal processing that should advance the attending physician for health services not covered by mandatory health plan contributory or subsidized, other than the supply of drugs and b as medicines and other supplies for care of the activities, procedures and explicitly excluded from the Mandatory Health Plan, so that the principle of integrity is respected interventions.

However, until this internal processing of EPS is not regulated definitively, it is ordered that the necessary measures to ensure that health promotion entities, EPS, apply the current rules for consideration by the Scientific Technical Committee adopted the entity approving drugs or other medical services not included in the POS, considering the parameters set by the Constitutional Court, especially as decided in the judgment C-463 of 2008 see section The Ministry of Social Protection shall submit a report on the implementation of this order to the National Health and the Ombudsman with a copy to the Constitutional Court.

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Additionally, orders relating to other general problems that have led to the filing of actions for protection and are the system of protection of the right to health are taught. When a person requires a health service that is not included within the Mandatory Service Plan, and lacks the resources to cover the cost of it that corresponds to assume, the agencies responsible for ensuring the orthodontist san diego service EPS must meet responsibility and, therefore, ensure access orthodontist san diego to it.

However, it is the state that must bear the cost of the service, because you have a duty to ensure the effective enjoyment of the right. In this regard, orthodontist san diego constitutional jurisprudence and regulation have recognized the insurer's right of recourse against the State see sections 4.4 and 6.2.., Through Fosyga.


Adequate financing of health services not covered by the POS then depends the correct flow of resources from the state to cover the payment of recoveries that are statutorily submitted by entities that guarantee the service. To the extent that such orthodontist san diego costs are not budgeted by the system in the amount received by the insurance company for the provision of health services on behalf of each of its members or beneficiaries UPC unit capitation payment, lack payment threatens the sustainability of the system, and to that extent, access to the provision of health services that are required in need.

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When the entities responsible for ensuring the provision of the service EPS, or even the health institutions IPS, which typically assume the costs of delayed payments of recoveries, it also generates a pressure on them to stop authorizing the provision of services not covered by the POS. Thus, to the health system to ensure access to health services depends on orthodontist san diego the ability to finance it without affecting the sustainability of the system, which does not provide an adequate flow of resources to ensure access to health services that are required to necessity, not included in service plans, impedes access to such services.

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The first report should be submitted on the date indicated in the operative part of this decision and an orthodontist san diego copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Constitutional Court before the same date see section.

He also ordered the Ministry of Social Protection and the National Health take measures to identify health promoting entities and service institutions that most often refuse orthodontist san diego to timely authorize health services included in the POS or as required in need.

To take measures to ensure orthodontist san diego

Do not know the state the right to health of the people who are beneficiaries of the subsidized regime, for failing that they can access a health care plan that does not differ from the contents listed in the mandatory healthcare plan for the tax regime? Given that the right to health imposes on the State the duty to work progressively towards the expansion of insurance services in the subsidized system can continue indefinitely as differences in coverage with respect to adults?

The Court finds that after 15 years of being issued Act 100 of 1993, is constitutionally unacceptable that there is no scheduled overcome inequality between subsidized and contributory plan and that this difference is more burdensome for minors. The State has ignored the right to health of the beneficiaries of the subsidized regime, as there are currently no programs or schedules that show an effort to move in that direction.

Accordingly, the Commission ordered Health Regulation unify benefit plans for children and the subsidized contributory scheme, taking into account the necessary adjustments to the UPC subsidized children to secure funding the expansion in coverage. If that date they have not taken the necessary measures for the unification of the children, it will be understood that compulsory health plan contributory scheme covers children of the contributory scheme and the subsidized regime see section.

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Also, order the Commission on Health Regulation adopt a program and timetable for the gradual and sustainable unification of the benefit plans of the contributory scheme and the subsidized regime taking into account: i the priorities of the population according to epidemiological studies.

The financial sustainability of the expansion of coverage and financing by the UPC and other sources of funding for the current system see section. This schedule orthodontist san diego shall provide for the unification to the date indicated by the same regulator, unless specifically compelling and insurmountable reasons and carefully supported.

Shall periodically report to the Ombudsman with the frequency it is stated that there shall include: i am program; ii a schedule; iii measurable goals; iv mechanisms for monitoring progress and v the reasons why regression or stagnation in the progressive extension of the protection of the right to health is presented.

Do not know the state the right to health of the people in need require a health service, unlike drugs, not having fixed and regulated a process by which the body responsible for ensuring the provision of the service to ensure effective access same? For the Chamber, the absence of clear regulation that allows the realization of the rights of users when they require a health service.

Other than a drug, not included in the POS, is one of the reasons why guardianship has become generalized mechanism for accessing health services not included in the POS ordered orthodontist san diego by the treating physician, and even sometimes drug when the physician fails to submit the request to the Scientific Technical Committee.


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