Compliance of the orthodontist san diego

Education and re certification assume greater importance in the practice of medicine. Paradoxically accelerated knowledge, increase led tecnifique medical training, humanistic neglected aspects of a fundamental nature; on the other hand less and less frequently with health care companies spend time or items orthodontist san diego for human resource training throughout his life.

Transcendent relations of health professionals in current health systems: Agency theory. The agency theory examines how formal and informal contracts by which one or more people orthodontist san diego called the principal responsible to another person called agent, the defense of their interests therein delegating some decision-making power.

The agency relationship implies the existence of so-called moral hazard, defined as the ability of the agent to search personal goals at the expense of the interests of the principal. As mentioned previously traditionally the doctor has had a relationship of agent to the patient, who acts as principal, which is framed in the professional duties in concrete.

The wishes of orthodontist san diego

Provision of health services in the stages of development prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation; and duties Verbatim: professional secrecy, providing inform, give advice or counseling, require orthodontist san diego informed consent and respect the patient when this is legally valid, bring duly medical history, certify, act with knowledge diligently and with quality, without exposing the patient to unnecessary risk without ensuring results with decorum and prudence.

But given the current system conditions, medicine has lost its character as a liberal profession, and often doctors are employees of institutions of health services, which have contracts with insurers (on model's capitation payment activity, budget) or they are also linked to primary networks of health insurers. I mean besides being the doctor the patient's agent, has the same role with respect to providers and institutions promoting health, which in turn would act a main character, under which control health spending, and rationalization of resources becomes one of the most important duties of a doctor.

In this situation, the fact that three additional roles can now exercise my health care, which are sources of conflicts of interest regarding the doctor-patient relationship is short, the researcher, leading projects funded by the pharmaceutical industry, orthodontist san diego of academic building a teaching career within a university and employer.

When shareholder institutions providing health services or offer services through technology which is owner. This complex environment, where the physician works simultaneously as an agent of various actors in the system: patient care institutions health, health insurers, pharmaceutical industry, other bio tech companies and even himself.

In each there is a orthodontist san diego moral hazard, defined as the set of hidden actions that can be executed on one of the two sides after contact in a contract and the other party can not identify without incurring costs, which is a source of conflicts of interest, the resolution dilemma tic represent actual ethical challenges of professional practice.

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